
Injectable Gel

DiscoGel® is a new and innovative treatment method in which an alcohol gel

labeled with contrast medium is injected directly into the intervertebral disc

with millimeter precision via a thin cannula under CT or image converter control


Minimally invasive procedure with low risks.

No surgical intervention necessary.

No scarring, no “failed back syndrome”, may not interfere with future procedures

Can be performed on an outpatient basis, no hospital stay.

No lengthy postoperative physiotherapy.

High success rate 80% – 90%.



Feature Image

Disc prolapse treatment by DiscoGel chemonucleolysis

Disc prolapse treatment by DiscoGel chemonucleolysis

DiscoGel® is a new and innovative treatment method in which an alcohol gel labeled with contrast medium is injected directly into the intervertebral disc with millimeter precision via a thin cannula under CT or image converter control.

Mechanism Of Action:

Mechanism of action action principally linked to the hydrophilic properties of the agent which make the gel soluble and who generates the migration of the water from the periphery of the disc (including hernia) towards his center.

The not soluble gel in the presence of water, precipitates and settles in the micro infractions of the disc to create so a «flexible soft prosthesis».

Specialties of doctors applying the technique

Interventional Pain Physicians
Orthopedic specialist in the spine

Anatomy Image


The brochure provides a comprehensive overview of the advanced technical features and innovative solutions integrated into the product.

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