Hyamax Filler

Plus Lips

Hyamax® Plus Lips Filler achieves lip augmentation by injecting hyaluronic acid, adding volume to the subcutaneous tissue to support sunken lips.
An excessively thin mouth and lips can be due to being natural or due to ageing. The way to improve this is to have hyaluronic acid injected into the lips.
The hyaluronic acid lip augmentation technique not only makes the mouth form a three-dimensional plump and sexy outside, the effect is very realistic and there will be no rejection reaction after the injection and no harm to our body, so it is a very safe cosmetic method.
Hyamax® Plus Lips filler is suitable to shape “Cupid’s bow” lips, what is the double curve of the upper lip, resembling the bow of Cupid, Roman god of love. The upper lip is believed to be most attractive when it is well-defined and when the two sides look the same.



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Hyamax® Injectable Dermal Filler Safe and Effective Medical Aesthetics Solutions



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Hyamax® Injectable Dermal Filler Safe and Effective Medical Aesthetics Solutions

At Hyamax®, we believe that everyone deserves to feel confident and beautiful in their own skin.
That’s why we’ve made it our mission to develop and distribute high-quality, clinically tested products that help people around the world achieve their beauty goals.
Our team of experts has years of experience in the fields of dermatology, plastic surgery, and pharmaceuticals, and we’re passionate about using our knowledge to create products that truly make a difference in people’s lives.
We’re constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in medical aesthetics, and we’re proud to offer a range of treatments that are backed by scientific evidence and proven to be safe and effective.

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